Bio-Pharma Research.

E-commerce website for publishers of medical & life science market reports

  • Strategy

    Developed the site map and category structure for the online shop

  • Design

    Developed a more modern, mobile responsive UI making it easier to find specific reports

  • E-commerce

    E-commerce web development and integration with payment gateways

  • Optimisation

    Improved meta-data and content optimisation capabilities and re-designed the URL structure

Project Description

Bio-pharma Research is a provider of pharmaceutical and biotechnology market research reports serving organisations ranging from life science and medical academia to the top pharma and biotech corporations worldwide.

Having a website with limited functionality in the backend meant it was very costly and time-consuming to make updates to the database and onsite content. The need for an intuitive, aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly system was required in order to develop and continue to grow the business.

Our Solution

The large database that drove the product catalogue was integrated into the E-Commerce content management system and this enabled the client to manage the database and update products more effectively without having to rely on external developer support. This meant that the client was able to reduce her dependency on using technical specialists and reduce her website maintenance fees.

Our medical web development solution also involved optimising the site structure for search engines so that the client could manage their own SEO campaign.

Bio-Pharma Research website

“The new e-commerce platform that Genetic Digital developed for me has made it a lot easier and less time consuming for me to update and maintain my website. The new design and online shop structure has definitely made it easier for my customers to find specific reports, so I am delighted with the results.”

Claire Nicholson, CEO