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The latest digital healthcare marketing insights & trends

Using LinkedIn to engage with HCPs

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Increasingly healthcare and pharmaceutical marketing budgets are moving to online spaces. In 2010 eMarketer predicted that online pharmaceutical advertising spending would rise to $1.52 billion by 2014. In 2011 spending rose 23.3% to $1.58 billion,…

Social Media and the GP – A Tweet too far?

The General Medical Council is on the case! In a very 21st century directive to its members it advises: The standards expected of doctors do not change because they are communicating through social media rather than face to face or through…

How Google’s ‘Penguin’ is changing the face of SEO

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Google’s latest update to its algorithm, dubbed ‘Penguin’, was only released on 24th April, but has already had a huge impact on hundreds of companies over the last few months and the way in which they strategise their search engine optimisation…

InHealth Group Appoints Genetic Digital

Genetic Digital have been appointed by InHealth Group to re-design and develop the company’s website www.InHealthGroup.com As one of the UK’s leading healthcare providers, InHealth delivers diagnostics and managed patient services to…

New report: Online pharmaceutical marketing impacts brand awareness

comScore inc, a worldwide leader in measuring the digital world, recently released important new results which suggest that branded pharmaceutical websites generate the highest lifts in Rx conversion and adherence. The information was deduced…

Pharmaceutical marketing faces a ‘hurricane of change’

A report by the global management consultancy firm Booz and Company shows that senior executives within the pharmaceutical industry believe the business model is broken and that the industry needs to adapt marketing strategies appropriate for…

Twitter chat for pharma and health companies

Twitter chats are one of the most useful ways for pharma and healthcare companies to engage other people in the industry as well as their potential customers. For those that are not aware of Twitter chats, they are arranged in advance with…

Sanofi using social media to drive diabetes tech competition

Sanofi U.S., the American arm of the French pharmaceutical giant is effectively using social media to drive its Data Design Diabetes Innovation Challenge. Currently in its second year, the challenge aims to generate innovative ideas that can…

Access Pfizer for Professionals launches for UK pharmacies

Pfizer has launched a new website design aimed at increasing its direct reach and interaction with UK dispensing chemists. The site accesspfizer.co.uk was developed following an in-depth survey of 200 pharmacists and will replace will the current…