One of the world’s leading research-based pharmaceutical companies has launched a social network-based service for doctors who are involved in commissioning mental health services.
Janssen is teaming up with the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network to link up GPs using Yammer, which is a social networking programme not dissimilar to Twitter. It is often used within organisations to help colleagues communicate with each other quickly.
The partnership has arisen because clinical commissioning groups are set to take over responsibility for commissioning many NHS services in England. It will be one of the largest spending areas for GP commissioners. Digital pharma marketing services are therefore likely to play an important role in this.
The NHS Confederation says that many GPs have already expressed an interest in the social networking service. It will give GP commissioners policy information and evidence-based approaches and will also help them share best practice and gain opportunities to learn from current commissioners of mental health services.
GPs who join will also be given the opportunity to meet face-to-face at dedicated regional events.
Isabel Laas, business unit director at Janssen, said: “The transition of mental health commissioning to primary care will raise questions and challenges for the effective delivery of care to patients. This partnership is a fantastic opportunity to help GPs optimise the way in which people affected by mental illness are managed by the NHS.”